Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Beginning

Disappointed Hope....what does that mean?
When searching through my mind trying to choose a title that would encompass both what this blog is to be about and what I am about, I thought of one of the lessons that seems to be a recurring theme throughout my life: hope not placed in the right object will always disappoint. 

I've placed hope in my abilities: I can sing, play piano, read well, learn languages fairly quickly, and at least appear somewhat smart. But these things will one day pass away. My voice will get old and warbly, my hands may lose their shape, my eyes lose their sight and my brain lose it's cognitive abilities.

I've hoped in the future: the hope of love given and received and the start of my own family; the hope of a stronger voice and a career on stage, of success and approval; the hope of the ability to travel worldwide just for fun. But, what if these things never happen? What if I don't get married? What if my voice isn't strong enough? What if I live the rest of my days in ____, New Mexico without traveling anywhere else - unlikely, but what if? Furthermore, I don't even know what my future holds, how could I therefore place my hope in it?

I've hoped in boys, jobs, hobbies, abilities, people, my future, even religion (in the sense that what I do will gain or lose God's approval)... but all have failed and will continue to fail. 

The only hope that's ever seen fruit has been the hope that the Father has grown in me through Christ's finished work on the cross and through His Word. He Himself never changes. My earnest hope ought not to be in a husband, a job, acceptance, or acclaim but in what the finished work of Christ has accomplished for me. I've been bought with a precious price. I've been chosen before time to be a vessel of honor for my Creator. I will be with Him after death and in Him I will have life. My life has a mission to spread the glory of my Savior. His name will be known and His renown will be great. In this will I hope. All other hopes will be disappointed. 

So please allow this blog title spur you on to true hope...hope in Christ... hope that won't disappoint. 


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Kayla! Blessings as you journey and write and live and love and worship...

  2. Wonderful, fabulous, terrific. I love it. so full of the truth of our Lord. Love you so! Mamaw Willene

  3. I like the style of your blog. Blogging is a great place to work out your thoughts and share what you think. Welcome.

  4. You're starting off so well that I can't wait to see what's next! Psalm 73:25,26. I love you friend!

  5. Glad I saw this on FB! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts! God is working in and through you, and what an encouragement! Praise to Him!--Cheryl :)

  6. Thank you all so much for reading and for your sweet comments! I'm looking forward to this adventure. :)
