Friday, April 8, 2011

A Call to Trust (and a poem)

My pastor's sermon on submission this past week got me thinking about marriage and a "quiet and gentle spirit". What does this look like? What does this look like especially for those of us who may have a stronger or louder personality? (I can be quiet, but I can also be loud, spastic, dorky... When it comes to boys though, I'm the embodiment of Jane Bennet most of the time. The Lord's slowly growing me out of this, however.) Does this mean we must quiet our personalities or just quiet our spirit? How does this manifest itself? He gave me a book to read called, Biblical Womanhood in the Home, edited by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and I'm excited to dive into it today. In the meantime feel free to post your thoughts on this. Men, in what way do you appreciate how your wife lives out a gentle and quiet spirit? Women, how do you live this out? do you struggle with it?

One of the points Ryan made was that submission = trust and un-submission is a form of worry. That definitely pricked my heart. As you've seen from a previous post I am prone to worry. Not only must I eventually trust husband, but right now and forever I must trust my Father. Right now I must submit to my Father (God) and this means I must trust Him. I'm not trusting Him when I worry about my life, the small and big things; all things are the same in size to Him and He's got them all under His control, and He's good. (He cares for the sparrow, how much more He must care for me.)

In light of these thoughts, here's a poem I wrote in December about waiting for my future husband. I hope you enjoy it! (Forgive me, I don't really know how to write out a poem correctly...but here goes)

I know they're pretty irrational, these thoughts I have about you
I get angry at you sometimes when I think about how you
haven't shown your face to me, but others around me abound in you in full

It's not your're where you're supposed to be
You're not living in a dream...nor am I
Reality calls, we live for now separately
Each in our own world
Learning. Living. Breathing.

You're probably better than I expect you to be
Your character taller, chest a bit broader
Your heart slightly softer, voice a bit louder
I hope I'm all you want me to be too

You'll come around when you're meant to
When the strokes of time fall in the right place
Nay, when hands greater than yours crafted your entrance
...You'll come
You'll come

Until then, grow boldly. Grow gently.
Gird yourself. Meditate on the Word
Grow in grace and knowledge
Root deeply where you're planted
Spread branches wide, let your fruit mature
Seek the Lord more fully, let him be your/my all

In time you'll come
I know
In time
You'll come
By Kayla R. Hembree


  1. Wonderful poem.
    My take on the gentle and quiet spirit is being patient. It is not vocally quiet or gentle in demeanor but being gentle and quiet with the 'mess' that everyone carries with them. Putting your 'mess' aside to allow for theirs.

  2. Oh Kayla, I love you and I love that poem.

